Check out this weeks blog from Sandra.

Over the last couple of months we have seen things that no matter how old we are, we had not only never seen before but could never of imagined happening. When I spoke at church in February this year I talked about Dr Li Wen Liang, about how he had tried to call attention to what was happening in Wuhan. I ended by saying that we will probably never know the effect on our world this virus would have ( it was still only in China at that time). Even though we have watched this virus sweep across the world and cause such devastation. I still believe that Dr Li Wen Liang made a difference. Dr Li was a Christian and he did what he thought was right, even though he got into a lot of trouble with the Chinese authorities. Sadly Dr Li lost his life and left behind a wife who was 8 months pregnant and a 5 year old son. Since then over a quarter of a million people worldwide have also lost their lives to this dreadful virus.
Over the last couple of months we have heard the governments of the world talk about this ‘war’ and that we are fighting against an invisible enemy. In the UK our main priority has been protecting the NHS from being overwhelmed, in fact the word overwhelmed has been used so many times to describe individuals, corporations, nations and our whole world! With all that has happened in such a short space of time it is understandable that so many people feel overwhelmed, us humans were not designed for that kind of pressure and we don’t fair well when we have to live under it.
For us as church, we are supposed to be the hands and feet of Jesus, reaching out to a hurting world, and if we are overwhelmed as well, how do we do that?
Psalm 61 v 2 says:- When my heart is overwhelmed (in the NIV it says when my heart grows faint) lead me to the rock that is higher than I. We are sometimes so overwhelmed that we can’t even see where Jesus is in our problem. The psalm says lead me to the rock, we need the Holy Spirit to lead us to Jesus. Jesus, the rock, is higher than I, and God wants to take us to higher ground, to lift us up above the problem. There is a name that is above all other names, above disease, above disappointment and even above defeat! The name of Jesus.
The psalmist says when I am overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than I, there is a rock his name is Jesus. No matter what is happening in your life Jesus loves you, he’s got a plan and purpose for your life.
Now there are situations and circumstances that might not end the way we want, but if we are walking with the rock that is higher than us, we can have the confidence that he is with us and will never leave us.